Utopia is unimaginably sleepy. What with having hit the bed at 4 in the morn only after being the victim of some psychotic man’s lewd’s gestures in an ATM some half an hour before that when she and Batty Woman ran for their lives back to the cab cos the man insisted on opening his clothes in front of us. Oh God I shudder to think such people exist. Though in retrospect we couldn’t stop laughing about it but it surely scared us.
Oh I have to write about the new year party at the Economists place. So there we were a quite a motley bunch from some interesting walks of life. There were his friends from college in Bombay, his younger brother’s friends from law school ( that kid is just too adorable) , his friends from grad school in London and a couple of school friends thrown in. Fino entered in this exotic white creation and we oohed and aaheed only to be told it was Miss Chirpy’s who was also down for a visit from Delhi. Batty Woman’s 18 year old sibling was there too. One can well imagine what a colourful bunch we were. The Economist played the perfect host and the alcohol kept flowing as the night inched forward to welcome the new year. Sadly I wasn’t even remotely drunk as I only helped myself to three glasses of wine. I cannot say that for the rest though hahah!
Fino was the official barmaid of the evening and the part time DJ as she stood behind the bar cheekily asking “So what do you want?” and giggling simultaneously. Batty Woman was her usal cheerful self except when she got sentimental and vanished for periods when she’d be whispering on the phone. There is this one picture of Economist at the bar with the grumpiest expression on his face almost as if he was saying “Why did I ever invite all of them?” hahah! We women took an instant dislike to a friend’s insignificant other as we chose to call her since she so paled in comparison to her jovial better half. He was the ladies man and she faded into the background. I wonder how the most unlikeliest of couples stick together.
We took some lovely pictures thanks to Miss Chirpy’s fuschia camera. Batty Woman’s brother got his hands onto the guitar later on and he and Fino sang Zombie together and after a while he kept singing his own rendition of “Take me to your heart” until Batty Stopped him saying “Enough. Please go to sleep.” He is such a sweetheart you have to see him to believe it. He and the Economist’s brother have been voted the most favoured of all the younger siblings hehehe!
Last morning we came back to the Economist’s place to pick the brother up and deposit him at the station. In the process we had breakfast there too and played with his dog. ( No I am not a dog person at all. But this one is soooo cuteee) The Rockstar of a brother was suffering from his very first hang over in 18 years of his life and kept exclaiming “How do you guys handle this man?” I had no answer to that question cos honestly I cannot handle a hangover and I have had the worse hangovers in Delhi when the whole day has passed in pain and in the washroom throwing up. Eeyewwww!
I have fallen in love with this bookshop called Blossom’s on Church Street. Batty Woman and I must have picked up atleast 7 books there in the space of a week. The gang even dropped into Zara for a bit last nite and consumed two large pitchers of Mexican Sangria as post party analysis was carried on. Mind you this was after all of us vehemently denied in wanting to have anything to do with alcohol. All in all a quiet new year I say which is a good sign for me. What to you think? :D
dats a real detailed party recoup!!
Its definitely a good sign..enjoy as much as you can;)
A good sign indeed!Have a wonderful 2009 :)
glad you had fun ;-)
This post of yours captures that night so well and has me in smiles every time I read it (have read it thrice already :P)
Lauuu you! (Apparently I told you that enough times that night too yeah? haah :).)
I once had a near-fatal hangover and eversince that I dun drink for fun lol!
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