Jaiiiii Hoooo!! No this isn't a toast to Slumdog Millionaire. Think it has won accolades enough and I don't need to be spreading word around about the acclaimed movie or the brilliant music. I was just happy and this song is playing and the lyrics are stuck in my head. Its 9:30 in the morning and Fino and I are on this "sending utopia songs" trip even if I get to hear the songs in this 20th century PC hahah! I am at my family friends place vegetating or rather recuperating. Its a friday morning and I haven't gone for work and oohhhh such luxury. Don't you just loved those days when you have a valid reason not to work especially when you have been working like a dog (was about to say slumdog heheh!) and putting your heart and soul into it. I am learning a hell of a lot here at my new workplace and I have started enjoying what I do probably for the first time in my life. I never ever thought that the dry and colourless Company Law could hold immense possibilities even for the likes of me.
I have cutest colleague whom we are gonna christen Meggy and about whom I was very apprehensive about initially when I joined and whose been making the rounds of the hospitals with me entirely on her own prerogative. Minus all of that we have fun working together and she helps me out when I am stuck at a loophole trying to make sense out of some case law. Although a cute boy at work would also help the cause cos we are a 4 man army here and we are desperately in need of some entertainment sometimes when the books and the statutes bring out the worst in us. But damn no, Meggy and I ain't that lucky.
In the recent times I've seen a lot of bumps but my friends have definitely helped in making me see the lighter side of everything. I met Motu Boy at the airport (he was on his way to Cal from London)2 weeks back and it was lovely meeting that harum scarum of a boy after a space of three years. He was as boistrous and full of life, all smiling and beaming that made him so endearing to all of us in college. He made such a joke out of all my misdoings that at the end of it I couldn't help but laugh with him at myself. I love this boy and his infectious sense of humour and I'll always associate him with some of the happiest times in my life. I remember one time when She and I had this craving for bread pudding some 10:30 at night and I whined about it to Motu Boy and forgot all about it until voila' the bell rang at 12 at nite and my Santa had actually got me bread pudding from Lucky's coming from half the way across the town. We were paupers those days and for a student to do that meant the world to us. :-)
Hmmmm I wanna go to Noon Wines and have wine( 50 bucks a glass) with Batty and Economist in the evening. Why do they have to be soooooo farrrr away? Grrrrrrrr! A quote to end this post. :-)
"I must learn to love the fool in me the one who feels too much, talks too much, takes too many chances, wins sometimes and loses often, lacks self-control, loves and hates, hurts and gets hurt, promises and breaks promises, laughs and cries"
Oooh lovely pic!
Looks like you had a gr8 time :)
Hi There!
Came across your Blog via FukatGyaan. Liked your posts. And I surely agree with the Quote :D. Will drop in again!
i have to watch slumdog millionaire. I have heard it is a great movie.
I hope those 'stars' will keep guiding u for a very long time to come. :) lovely post Utopia!
"I must learn to love the fool in me the one who feels too much, talks too much, takes too many chances, wins sometimes and loses often, lacks self-control, loves and hates, hurts and gets hurt, promises and breaks promises, laughs and cries"
hahaha! SOOOO true! Talking of/for me, it seems! :)
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