Its Monday today and can I please say that I haven’t suffered from the customary Monday morning blues and that I have been having a really ridiculous and a clumsy day cos I don’t know if I should be depressed or laugh or giggle or ruminate or maybe I should just lament the loss of my sanity. For starters my weekend was quite slow paced and naiceee as Batty Woman Came over with P’s good friend The Economist. Yes yes I insist on calling him that as he blushes and gets oh so embarrassed as I loudly pronounce him to be the youngest Economist I know. He is 23 so understandably so. Did I add that he is the only Economist I know too? Heheh! So he came home with a bottle of wine and Batty woman and I had got vodka too as we knew that the wine wouldn’t last too long between us. We had a mellow pleasant evening chatting up as both of them bonded over coming from the same part of the country ( the south if I may say so) and the larger than life film industry existing there and how much they miss the food and how he should come home for scrumptious south Indian lunch to her place one Sunday afternoon. Then ofcourse as cliché as it sounds but we got a little high and started talking about life and love and hope and dreams. Our man came up with a sentence that made me boil over and this was with regard to some girl he’d liked and he said “She was way out of my league.”
Before we knew it Batty Woman and I were punching him from two sides cos he would not change his opinion about that as we tried to explain how no self respecting person should think like that. So there I was sitting beside him punching his arm as Batty Woman whacked his legs and he just sat and watched a little taken aback while this other friend of Raddy’s screamed at both of us saying “whats wrong with you women? Poor guy is being bashed up the two of you and he doesn’t say a word.” We burst into laughter and so did he over our playful banter. So we dropped him home and while coming back managed getting lost at 2:30 in the morning even as Batty Woman felt mighty proud of herself cos she finally managed to smoke a cigarette while driving and chatting with me and she also felt uber cool cos having lived with her folks for close to two years now she hadn’t got to drive the car after having downed 2 glasses of wine in the wee hours of the morning. So there we were twooo happy women cruising along, singing songs to ourselves and making the most nonsensical conversation.
But to come back to my funny mood this Monday. I wonder whats wrong with me or maybe after a long long time something is right with me. I have no idea and no this hasn’t been one of those revelation days but today being one of those “nothing is going right” days I am still not feeling as bad I should. Firstly lemme give you a list of my tiny disasters. My colleague called up from Bombay a week after I’d called him and begged him to get some information related to a particular suit and I spoke to him at length for 15 minutes advising him on how he should extract the information from the concerned person and how tired I was of pursuing the matter with the same person. For once I felt soooo calm, collected & professional and not at sea cos darn I was talking to him so professionally and I sounded so confident about the matter and when I realised damn I got the required information 4 days back. Why am I talking to him at all and that hell this will only create more confusion. I managed to get myself out of the situation after some stoopid excuses and there my boss was standing right next to me. He looks at me with a cocky expression saying “ And I was thinking what on the earth is she talking about when we got what we needed 4 days back.” I mumbled some reply and sat down.
Then again I have to be checking out universities for a Masters Course as Batty Woman and I have dreamed of this for the longest time. Now very recently I am fixated with Paris so just been googling about universities in France. Now of all the times he could have got looked at my screen he decides to check out what I am doing just when I on just a whim was checking out some degree called well ahem a PHD in Physical Education. He froze. He is well aware about my aspirations of higher studies but this was way more absurd than he thought I could be. He says “ And you wanna do a PHD in Physical Education because? “ I felt like saying “Cos I wanna join the WWF” and see his mouth gape open. But again rather sheepishly I closed the window. The most embarrassing part of the day was in my pursuit of trying to dig out a file from this huge and lofty pile of files and documents palced on the common table of his work station and mine( they are almost like walls made up of files between our work desks) the entire pile toppled and all the documents fell on him. Amidst all the documents and the dust as he got up he gives me an icy look saying “How many times have I told you that if you are trying to obtain a document from the bottom you should keep the ones on top aside first and not just yank out the one at the bottom?” I apologised profusely and arranged all the documents in place and this time I made the piles towards me loftier just incase they fell they’d tumble on me :P!
I know I should have been guilty but I was dying to laugh so I ran to the pantry to call Batty Woman from the phone provided there for the pantry staff(this is what I have come down to.) as I couldn't possibly call her up sitting right under my Boss'S nose and I was giggling and laughing and she says “ Pia you are turning clumsy and neurotic and you aren’t even a bit ashamed.”Only to be followed by “You are just like me, such a sadistic bitch.”
Ah well I am such an innocent girl next door.How could you say that? Hehehe! Come on Batty Woman we are the model 20something olds living the funny lives we chose to live, laughing too much, crying even more, cribbing endlessly about the ever changing personal front, stumbling every now and then, hitting too many rock bottoms, suffering from disproportionate bouts of self pity, learning lessons from every self made disaster or at least trying to and having been blessed with the ability to laugh at our numerous misdoings knowing that we’ll probably end up doing something more catastrophic tomorrow.