Nov 25, 2011

And what are you grateful for?

I am grateful for a million things. I am grateful for every breath I take, each moment that I am alive and healthy . I am grateful for the unconditional love of my family, Mommy, Bonu, Aunt, Uncle and Great Aunt. I am grateful for the friends I have, the fun, the laughter shared when are together , the sheer joy of having been together through some of the best and worst years of our lives, the friends  who always stand by me through the self made disasters and who shake me up from my slumber.  I am grateful that for each fall I have had I could get up, shake the dust away and walk on.  I am grateful even for the inconsequential friendships at work because though they might not be playing a pivotal role in my life but during the lowest times they gave a semblance of sanity to my life.  I am grateful that I can sing along to songs happily on my way to work every morning. I am grateful that I am able to dream and work towards them without the burden of negativity that had encompassed my dreams some time back. I am oh so grateful that I can be happy on my own, for the peace and calm inside my head. I am grateful for the cheerfulness within me, for only 2 years back all I had inside me was bitterness and cynicism.  I am grateful that I can spend the half an hour after lunch just writing this and that after all of this I still love to write even if its gibberish.


Anonymous said...

Cheers to that!

Pesto Sauce said...

I am grateful for many things, prime being having this life