I have been asked to visit a tea leaf reader cos someone I know thinks I should since I must be having a dozen questions in my mind about how this is gonna turn out to be and where exactly is my life heading. But you know what I don’t even remotely wanna know what the outcome is gonna be like. I am gonna take this one day at a time and I mean it. I am not interested in what the soothsayers have to say. Its not that I have never been intrigued by palmistry and face reading but then it was about trivial things like boys or a job. This isn’t about that and to be told something and starting to believe in it and what if it comes true and it is not to my liking. That scares me so no I’d rather pray and hope and live my life the right way. Even if I try to I cannot seem to pray as much as her but yes I can do the right thing and make the right choices and that would be my way of contributing towards the healing.
In the meanwhile I’ve been busy with work as usal and thank God for working in a place like this. I actually don’t get time to think which is good and bad at the same time. I don’t wallow in self pity or else initially the only thought eating me up would be “why oh why?” Now I immerse myself in some research or a useless agreement and its all good for that short span of time. The other side of the story being I get out of work so late that I am not getting time to pay my bills, give the curtains to the tailor for alteration etc. Oh I shifted into a new place and I quite like my new room. I still have to do it up and I like my flatties cos they are nice women, very chilled out like us and very very sane. They are working and like to come back home and sleep on time and leave for work on time minus the hullabaloo and madness I was witness to last 2 years of my life. Its quiet and no loud music or too many people. I do feel itsy bitsy lonely sometimes but hell I ain't complaining.
There is a no smoking rule inside the house but we have a lovely terrace so I make ample use of that once a day. I am trying to get use to the idea that yes I am gonna quit smoking sometime very soon. I am not a compulsive smoker at all but at the end of the day I love having one cigarette while listening to music and talking nineteen to dozen on the phone with Batty or Miss Lemony Pie. That’s a luxury I don’t feel like giving up right now. Last week wasn’t as dreary as I thought it would be. For starters I saw Dev D with Nutty, the Economist’s younger brother, his cousin and a friend. We reached the theatre earlier and Nutty hadn’t met the younger brother before so we were playing this game called “ Guess whose the Economist’s younger brother?” and I’d point out the shadiest and slimiest of guys saying “Yeah that’s him” and Nutty would get soooo appalled until he actually came in and she recognized him cos he looked like the miniature version of the Economist hahaha!
The weekend was spent almost only at home except for a couple of hours out at Mojo’s on Saturday. Fino was home for coffee on Sunday evening when we spoke and spoke cos we met up after 3 weeks. I also went to the church for a while and lit a candle. Plan to do that regularly. Lets see if I can. Ram Sene did not go on a rampage as all of us had expected them to and no I don’t think they forcibly married any couples of. “The Pink Chaddi” campaign was welcomed by most of us but I was too lazy to send some. Sigh! I am looking forward to the coming weekend as the Economist is coming down so Saturday lunch at 3 Stories I guess. ☺ The weekend after She is coming to town with Miss Touch-Me-Not and we have so much of catching up to do, indulge in harmless girly gossip and bitching besides lamenting over the state of our lives hahah! She promised to get me some colourful bedcovers from Sarojini or Lajpat Nagar and ear rings. Yeayyyyy!!!!
“It was only a sunny smile and little it cost in the giving but like morning light it scattered the night and made the day worth living.”