Jul 20, 2008

Sulk sulk ! Hmphhhhh!

I wonder where I went wrong. I am the one who goes wrong all the time. And apparently blaming myself is a fault to. You think I should be responsible for my own actions. Whatever made you think otherwise? You said you don't try too hard well I try and I am glad I do. If I didn't try I wouldn't know what it is and would have been left with a bunch of "could have beens" and "what ifs". You are happy with whatever comes your way but sometimes I want more than what comes my way. Thats only human to. I detest silly and stoopid arguments and most of all I hate the silence.Tis so easy for you to say you don't wanna talk cos you don't wanna fight since it disturbs you. So we have these periods of silence when I have to act like you don't exist until you are alright with the idea of talking to me again. It didn't bother me half as much before but now it does and I know you'll go about doing your own thing until you feel like it.
I wish I was like that. I wish it was like before when I didn't care. It didn't matter if you didn't call me for months and months. I was happy in my own make believe world. There were other things that were more important to me, other people who effected me more. I don't even know exactly when I changed my mind, but I did. I don't want these misunderstandings to come in between us especially if someone is sitting thousands of miles away and one can do precious little. I hate not talking to you. I miss you, I really do.


Chronicler said...

chk my recent blog post out...its i guess a bit similar to wat you are going thru right now... And life is strange.. I mean the moment you think you are finally done with something, it pops back again only to test you...

Anu said...

After that post, whoever your talking about is sure to pick up the phone.. so chin up :)

Anonymous said...

I can kinda relate to that someone. No worries, just give it time and all will be fine.

Take care.

Scribblers Inc said...

missing is a part of life...if it wasnt there, half the worth of relationships wouldnt ever be estabilished...so relax, all wil be well...

Scribblers Inc.

Renovatio said...

It's easier to bridge the gap yourself. Silences can be more damaging.