I haven’t been blogging lately as often as I’d like to. I have wanted to many a time but couldn’t get down to posting as usal. Plus to make matters worse my TV conked off and not to forget my beloved laptop just wouldn’t switch itself on. Okie yes it isn’t exactly the newest gadget doing the rounds that one can be proud of but it still is my first laptop that has been around for a while and since the time I was that different me that I miss sometimes. I tried, I tried to switch it on and failed every time except for one Sunday when magically it worked for some 12 hours and one had the chattiest Skype session with Akku and the longest Skype date later in the evening. Made me realise how Skype is one of those few good things in life that are almost free if one doesn’t count the internet bill. So I thought yes of course even my laptop is angry with me just like I thought F was which incidentally F wasn’t and I got quite the dose as I was told how I always presume the worst. Now can anybody blame me for that? Hmmmphhhhhhh!
So the last weekend being an extended one and a lonely one I was at home half of it just reading and reading. How much could I read? Well I read some 2 and a half books until I gave up thinking enough is enough you should just get out of the house. I was fooling around with Anjali all of Saturday evening trying to distract myself to a point that I wouldn’t think and wouldn’t worry and I succeeded only to wake up with that yucky feeling Sunday morning. That feeling that something is gonna go wrong, that edgy feeling and I knew misery needed company or one would definitely go mad. Being miserable and by yourself isn’t anybody’s idea of a great weekend and thankfully Batty was in town and by 11 in the morning I was at her place . We spoke and we spoke as it turned out she’d been stressed out at work like three fourths of the world seems to be these days. We all seem to be suffering from existential angst that seems to be the largest common factor of our generation. I pulled her out to watch
Anjana Anjani and in the middle of all of that she looks at me sarcastically and says
“Of course we of all the people have to watch this crappy movie about two lunatics wanting to die.” Anyways after sitting through 'Priyanka and Ranbir’s melodramatic attempts at wanting to die but somehow landing up living happily ever after, complete with a a baby' we headed to GK 2 cos I had to meet an old friend and we needed coffee. We spent an hour catching up with Preema. Damn I suck at keeping in touch and GK 2 is just too far from where I stay. Sorry for that. To think I spent two years living there happily thinking Dwarka was a small town and Gurgaon a village. Guess who frequents Gurgaon like never before and lives in Dwarka now? This is what happens when at 23 you pass statements like I can only live in South Delhi. At 27 you land up where I landed up. Moral of the story being don’t ever pass such stupid sweeping statements. You never know where life might take you or rather which part of Delhi life might take you.
Somethings never change though. I went to TC after 5 months and it still felt like old and familiar and Batty loved it cos I knew she would. Have been wanting to take her there ever since she shifted to Bombay and I know she has way more of a social life in Bombay that I have here in Delhi and she goes out way way more than I do. But then again I guess I don’t choose not to go out but it is the lack of company and a lot of other factors that culminate into me not having a social life. But hell I am not here forever and life changes for the better hopefully. Sunday night though after having two Bloody Marys and 4 shots I was tipsy after a long long time when I got the news and a hurried phone call made by me later my high wasn’t high anymore it was just plain low. Guess who went home and would have used the pizza coupons you sent us but for my stupidity. Anyways the coupons are still there and we’ll use it soon. :-)
Yesterday the me who came to office had an old laptop that wasn’t working and a TV that didn’t have sound coming out of its speakers but the me who went to sleep last night had a TV that had been repaired for all of 150 bucks and a laptop that had been handed over to a pair of able hands for servicing. Yeayyyyyyyyyy! Dear God do I sound like a child clapping my hands in glee over something so small? Yes I do. :D
Quote of the moment: “There has been much tragedy in my life; at least half of it actually happened.” ;-)
Mark Twain
Disclaimer: My blog titles needn't necessarily be related to the content of my post. Most of the times the title would be my state of mind.