Aug 11, 2008

And something did happen to me as I happily made other plans :-)

And what have we been up to lately? Lots and lots. Not quite as exciting as I would like to make it sound but tis been good. Weekend wasn’t so great although for a change I had two whole days off and not just the odd Sunday. But the maid didn’t turn up and all of Saturday was spent looking for ways and means to make the house look a little respectable and not like the pig sty it had started resembling. Batty Woman hadn’t been well and so I stayed over at her place. We watched a lot of TV, mainly Travel and Living, ate yummy sambar, chawal and poppadum as she moaned and wailed about what was wrong with her and how she thinks she is dying. She had this terrible cold and Giant called her at 3 in the morning and hearing her croak like a toad wanted her to sing “Smelly Cat” for him heheh! Quirky isn’t he?
I have been having the strangest of dreams lately of certain people getting married and even the idea of it did not appeal to me. I am unsure though why it did. I got up 4:30 in the morning messaging saying “ I had the funniest of dreams and you were in it. Strange.” Yes I did get a call back saying “ Stop having wierd dreams about me. :-)” Batty Woman just looked on at the TV as the expression on my face brightened up and said “ I am not saying anything.”
I am looking forward to certain things. Actually just waiting and watching and hoping things fall into place. Maybe then I would have that new start I have been wanting for the longest time. There I was so sure about how life was gonna turn up for me and there went all my plans woossshh as if someone just waved a wand and opened the Pandora’s Box of endless possibilities. She called me a nomad the other day cos I don’t seem to want to settle down in one place. But I feel I am not ready to strike roots at a particular place as yet. Thus here I am, if you happen to get a glimpse of me anywhere you’d notice the spring in my step and the song on my lips and yes I hope to be on a high.


SMM said...

We need to meet asap so you can pass on some of the spring in your step and song on your lips mood to me...unfortunately this week just looks awfully tough. But next week for sure :)

Anonymous said...

And my friends call me the international vagabond :(

I learnt that there is no perfect place to settle down. You have to make it perfect.

Akanksha said...

Hmmm,,interesting :-)
Sng on ur lips and spring in ur steps...IS that love?

Anu said...

hmm would love to get the spring in step attitude.. kinda diminished with my work load for me :(

Utopia said...

naaaa akanksha. tis not love at all heheh! for once tis not. ;-)

Scribblers Inc said...

good good...happiness around...better than the *tear of head in agony* poetry on most blogs!!:P

Scribblers Inc.

Keshi said...

Enjoy the MOMENTS, cos nothing is forever anyways :)


Chronicler said...

dreams.. for now they are giving me a mis... dreamless stupor is whta i'm treated to everytime... keep that jig going..dhik chik dhick chik..:P

man in painting said...

Happiness virus is the only friendly micro-organism that will spread even more faster than ebola...
nice read
new to your blog..
me too blog
do visit..

Scribblers Inc said...

you havent been writing now, have you??baad!!!:P

Scribblers inc.