well so much so for movin on in life .keep tryin to keep my mind diverted but damn its kinda hard ,really hard .never asked for this .but then do we ever ask for tears .was too good to be true.now that its all over i am trying to hold on to it .know i gotta be positive and know that life goes on but even then ..............
goin to Agra today .so i finally get to see the famous Taj Mahal.shud be fun .atleast i hope so .i wish i could wash all those memories away.but its never that way .just gotta live through this all.come to think of it ain't a big deal .a few months and i'll be out of that god forsaken place .talk about being cynical .i just wanna be happy ,sick of feeling miserable .
damn i am gonna be happy and all this shall come to an end and life has to change and this too shall pass.